The Lord my Portion - Octavius Winslow

The Lord my Portion

By Octavius Winslow

  • Release Date: 2014-01-01
  • Genre: Religion und Spiritualität


The Lord’s people but imperfectly realize their boundless wealth. They resemble an heir to whom a vast estate has been bequeathed, but who yet remains ignorant of the rich and extensive mines which underlie its surface, filling every acre with veins of the richest ore, until some incidental upturned sod brings to light the precious deposit. God has given us His Word — a field of wealth incalculable; His Son — in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge; the covenant of grace — ordered in all things and sure; and Himself, our infinite, all-sufficient, all-satisfying, and inalienable — PORTION. Well may the apostle, summing up the inventory of our possessions, exclaim — as if no measurement or number could compass and compute their extent — “ALL THINGS are yours!”

• The Lord my Portion
• The Lord my Husband
• The Lord my Brother
• The Lord my Hope
• The Lord my Helper
• The Lord my Refiner
• The Lord my Healer
• The Lord my Deliverer
• The Lord my Master
• The Lord my Servant
• The Lord my Teacher
• The Lord my Example
• The Lord my Burden-Bearer
• The Lord my Shepherd
• The Lord my Restorer
• The Lord my Light
• The Lord my Keeper
• The Lord my Care-Taker
• The Lord my Provider
• The Lord my Rest
• The Lord my Bishop
• The Lord my Leader
• The Lord my Food
• The Lord my Drink
• The Lord my Savior
• The Lord our Peace
• The Lord my Joy
• The Lord my Song
• The Lord my Creditor
• The Lord my Expectation
• Christ is All, and in All

Octavius Winslow, also known as "The Pilgrim's Companion", stood out as one of the foremost evangelical preachers of the 19th Century in England and America. A Baptist minister for most of his life and contemporary of Charles Spurgeon and J.C. Ryle, he seceded to the Anglican church in his last decade. His Christ centered works show devotion, practicality, and an experimental calvinism of the highest order. His writings are richly devotional and warm the soul and inflames the heart with sincere love, reverence, and praise to Christ.